The X-Treme XMB-320 Three Wheel Electric Scooter is this weeks “Don't Be A gAssHat” review of the week!

The first time I saw X-Treme's three wheel electric scooter, the XMB-320, I thought: “Man, this is not your grandpa's scooter!” But truthfully, my grandpa would have just loved to be able to ride this scooter around town. It's light and stylish and is a wonderful alternative to those senior carts, which he would have been embarrassed to ride in.

I took the XMB-320 for a test ride with my grandpa in mind, but soon forgot all about him as I marveled at the sleek construction of the scooter. It's sporty looking and, powered by a 350 watt brushless electric motor, gets you quickly but smoothly up to a 10 mph top speed. The three 12-amp sealed lead acid batteries provide the juice for the engine, and can last up to 20 miles on a single charge, making the XMB-320 an ideal choice for running tasks around town.

As he grew older and became a bit unsteady on his feet, I know that Grandpa Ed would have fully appreciated the comfort and stability of the XMB-320 as well. Heck, even my mother would have! The three wheels, the back ones cushioned by dual hydraulic shocks, combined with a comfortable and cushy bicycle style seat, make for one nice ride.

The steering proved to be ultra responsive, and was able to take tight turns and get in and out of sketchy spots and situations with relative ease. And when I needed to brake, the quality front disc brake brought me to a standstill quickly and smoothly, without any jarring motions.

My pop would have appreciated the fact that the XMB-320 folds down enough to be able to fit into the trunk of his car, or even on the back seat, making him able to cart grandpa around to visit distant friends.

But enough about seniors. This mobility scooter is a fun and sporty ride for teenagers and seniors, and anyone in between. It's a socially responsible choice too, since you can ditch the gas guzzler for those times you need to do local chores that can easily be handled by the XMB-320.

I tested it out on a trip to the market. I was able to take the scooter into the market and move up and down the isles with ease, picking and choosing groceries at will. It fit easily in the self-checkout register section of the store, so I was able to pretty much do all my shopping completely unassisted.

Found this one at X-Treme XMB-320 Electric Scooter