On my way to work the other day, I was sitting in my car, not going anywhere on a main street near my house. Every day I sit on this street for too long, wondering why the hell I am not farther up the road. My commute to work should be 10 minutes, but ends up being 15-20 minutes judging on the congestion. Every day this nerdy little dude passes me in the middle of the two laned road. He just cuts the cars like a sport bike on the freeway. I ended up stopping him, and interrogating him to find.

out that he works farther from his house than I do, he leaves later than I do, and he gets there before I do. Wait! What!? Yup, the gentlemans scooter is a Go-Ped brand scooter and is very high quality. He told me that it takes a few hours to charge, and it gets him to and from work every day. I am looking into these now even though I always swore that electric scooters are the nerdiest dufus mobiles ever. I guess I am going tom be a nerdy dufus then. I fill up my gas tank in my car at least one time a week, and some times twice in a week. It costs $45-$50 to fill my tank, so that is $50-$100 a week in gasoline!! The guy with the scooter said that the scooter payed for itself in the first month of use. I like the idea of travelling on pennies a day instead of dollars a day. The man on the scooter also said that he really enjoys his commute to work a lot more too. He also mentioned that I am not the first person to stop him for information. Good idea = get out of your car and scoot. Bad idea = Keep sitting in traffic.

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