This image is from the wonderful creator of Scandinavia and the World. Check the site for more awesome humor.

Sister America: Like, LOOK at this!!! *holds up bird covered in oil from Gulf Oil Spill*

America: Ewwww!!! That’s disgusting! What is it?

Sister America: I totally don’t know because it landed in your filth!! Some kind of, like, bird!!!

America: Okay, but why are you so angry about that?

Sister America: Because it can’t fly!! And birds totally have to fly and stuff!!

America: Aw, don’t be mad little sister. If it can’t fly then it won’t fly into airplane engines and then hundreds of humans won’t die. That’s a good thing, right?

Sister America: Uh, maybe…NO! It’s still bad!!!

America: *sigh* What’s it covered in anyway?

Sister America: That! *she points to oil spill*

America: Oil? OIL!!? Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The sea creatures be stealing my money!!!

America: *shakes bird covered in oil* What did you do you stupid bird!?!?!?! Get my money off your body!!!!



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